Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I'm Minerva!

Yeah she was always one of my favorites!

The Mythological Goddess Test

Indeed, you are 75% erudite, 62% sensual, 25% martial, and 41% saturnine.
Another virgin Goddess (Diana or Artemis being the other), Minerva was, just like her Greek counterpart Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and Freedom as well as an all powerful Goddess of War, which made her a most formidable opponent indeed.

Among the many disciplines that fell under her control were: writing,
the sciences, architecture, embroidery, and just about anything else
dealing with artistic skills, wise counsel, and of course battle and

Like Athena, owls were considered sacred to Minerva, representing wisdom. She was a very wise warrior, respected by the Roman legions.

She was also, no kidding, the Goddess of Women's Rights and patroness of career women.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Do you believe in Santa?

Recently we were having a discussion at KBS about whether parents should tell their children that Santa Claus is real. Several people voiced opinions along the lines of "How could you blantantly lie to and deceive your kids, especially because once they find out that he is not real they will be emotionally crushed." I agree with this sentimenet, but I think that for Christians there is an even more important reason. We also tell our children that Jesus is real and was born on Christmas, but his story is even more unbelieveable than Santa's. Once they realize that we were lying about Santa, why should they believe us about Jesus?

Friday, December 23, 2005

A Christmas (or holiday?) post

There has been a lot of flap lately about whether people should say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy holidays!" I think this whole issue is silly. Some argue that "Happy holidays" is more PC than "Merry Christmas" because Christmas is a holiday specific to one religion. However, I would argue that the Christmas that most Americans celebrate is not religious at all.

What do Santa, reindeer, the colors red and green, snow, etc. have to do with Christ anyway? Yes, as Christians we officially celebrate Christ's birth on Christmas. However, most of what America does to celebrate Christmas is not exclusively Christian. A Jew or Muslim or Hindu or atheist or whatever can put lights on her house, spend time with her family, give gifts to her loved ones, and be of good cheer just as well as a Christian can with no religious implications.

Christmas is no more a Christian holiday than Thanksgiving is. On Thanksgiving, everyone gives thanks (whether to God, Allah, themselves, etc.) for their blessings, spends time with family, eats yummy food, etc. Just because the original pilgrims were thanking God for the harvest doesn’t make Thanksgiving a religious holiday. Christmas is the same way. The original intent may have been to celebrate Christ’s birth, but now it seems to have warped into being happy and getting/giving presents.

To take it a bit further, the original intent of the celebration we now call Christmas wasn’t even to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Christmas is a co-opted pagan holiday. Jesus was not born in December; scholars think he was actually born in the spring. (Because the shepherds were living out in the fields keeping watch over their flocks by night, which happened in the spring but not the winter.) Christianity just decided to stick celebrating Jesus’ birth into this pagan holiday so that new converts could still have their December holiday.

What is my point in all this rambling? First, I think anyone of any religion should be able to say or be told “Merry Christmas” without religious awkwardness or controversy. The phrase really just means “I hope you enjoy celebrating the holiday on Dec 25”. If someone told me “Happy Kwanza” or “Happy Hanukkah”, I would not be offended in the least. What is the big deal with “Merry Christmas”? To me, it means exactly the same thing as "Happy Holidays". However, because some people are sensitive about this, I do still try to be careful of what I say. When in doubt, I say "Happy Holidiays".

Second, is this the way things should be? As Christians, should we let commercialism and materialism water down the holiday that celebrates the birth of our savior? No one worries about someone saying “Happy Easter”, which is really the most important holiday for Christians anyway. Is this because that holiday hasn’t been corrupted (yet) as much as Christmas has?

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Narnia Review

When buying my ticket I asked the girl if she needed to see my student ID and she said "No, I remember you." What does it say about you when the ticket sellers at the movie theater remember who you are? It's not as bad as it sounds, becuase we got to a little 5 screen, family owned theater that usually only has two people working behind the counter. The main reason I love it is that 1st run movies are only $3.50 all day with a student ID! Snacks are cheaper than most other theaters too, so I can get a movie ticket, pop, and popcorn for less than the price of a ticket as most other theaters. Yeah Gull Road Cinema!

Anyway, the movie...I loved it! It was very cute and well done. The kids are adorable, and the special effects for the most part were great. I loved the griffins especially. And there was only one scene where I felt like I was watching Lord of the Rings. There were some additions to the book, but I didn't mind them at all. One of the main reasons I loved the movie so much was the nostalgia factor, so if you didn't grow up reading the books you might not be as enchanted as I was, but it is still an entertaining movie.

Fun fact: the actor who plays Edmond is a direct descendant of Charles Darwin! How cool is that???

Thursday, December 15, 2005

20 Days!

Weather in Michigan: 32° F, Light Snow Showers
Weather in Jamaica: 84 °F, Partly Cloudy

No more school, no more books...

...no more teachers' dirty looks!!!! Well sort of. I handed in my final project for my last "real" class yesterday. I am now done with all of my grad classes. The only problem is that I still need to make up a semester of physics, which I will be doing next semester by taking an online class. So, at least I can say I am done with lectures and all that. After 20 years of taking classes, I am glad to be done!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Snow Day!

Okay I know it is not really a snow day, but it feels like one. Due to the heavy snow last night, our seminar speaker could not make it down and seminar, my only reason for waking up early and going into the office, was cancelled. Woohoo! At least they sent out an email about it so I found out before I tried to go into the office. Now, in the tradition of snowdays past, I think I will have to make pancakes and watch The Price is Right. :-)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I have accomplished two incredible feats this year. First, I have done all of my Christmas shopping online. I managed to completely avoid anything that even resembles a mall. Second, I have it all finished, and it is only December 6! Yes that's right! Lindsey, who is not usually done until Dec 24, is done super early! I rule. :-)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sad night for cute animals

I had a mouse in my car yesterday. Actually it was somewhere under my hood. I was driving home from KBS going least 55 mph and I suddenly saw a mouse climb out from under my hood right next to my windshield. She ducked back under the hood again but about a 1/4 mile later popped out (maybe because the engine was getting hot?) and was blown off into the night. I just hope she wasn't chewing on any wires or anything under there. I'm guessing she came from my garage originally, because I have seen a mouse in there a couple times this fall.

Also, on the way home from MSU to KBS, Tom hit an owl. Well, really the owl flew into the car. There wasn't a whole lot Tom could do about it.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Why aren't you married yet?

An article for all my single friends out there. I have already been asked this question and the holidays are only beginning. Some advice on how to answer it:

Why aren't you married yet?

My favorite: ‘Johnny Depp is taken.’ ;-)

Random thoughts at 4 AM

1. Why do I stay up late and sleep in every weekend and then get on a crazy schedule that I have to try to fix in time for my early morning departure on Tuesday?

2. If smoking were banned in public places (like bars) I would go out a lot more.

3. Our homework for Quantitatve Methods takes way too long and is way too involved to be worth only 10 points.

4. I procrastinate too much.

5. Grey's Anatomy is my favorite TV show by far.

6. It's 4 AM and I should be tired. But I'm not.

7. I have been playing fetch with Isis for like an hour and she is still into it. What a crazy cat.

8. TV is addicting.

9. Stores should carry bathing suits year round. People go on vacations in the winter and need to buy them!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I bought a snowshovel

Sadly, I bought a snowshovel yesterday, anticipating the snow we are supposed to get this weekend. Someone remind me why I live in this state again?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Harry Potter 4 Review

I just got back from seeing Harry Potter 4 and it was great! It was surprisingly funny, and the end was nice and spooky. They cut out all of the unnecessary stuff that made the book so long, and I didn't miss any of it. Ralph Fiennes was a deliciously scary Voldemort, and Brendan Gleason was the perfect Mad Eye Moony. My only regret was not enough Sirius or Snape (my fav characters), but this book didn't feature them very much anyway, so I'll forgive it. I'll probably try to see the movie at least one more time in the theaters. When does it come out on DVD? ;-)

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Put it on your calendar!

For those of you who have extra morbid curiousity, okcupid.com has this test that tells you when you are likely to die based on a bunch of different statistics. Here's my results:

According to our research, you'll be dead by
August 2064
at age 83
- probable cause -

YOU DIE: 82.9 years

As you can plainly see, you have more health & vitality than the average woman.


Monday, November 14, 2005

Who would Jesus torture?

I don't normally post political things on my blog, but I feel pretty strongly about this issue and so I encourage you to read and think/pray about the article I have pasted below. I cannot fathom why the Bush administration, or any Christain, would be opposed to this bill. Please note that this is not a partisan issue, as the bill has strong support from both Republicans and Democrats.

Who would Jesus torture?
by David Batstone

Christians of strong religious faith and sound moral conscience often end up in disagreement. Human affairs are a messy business, unfortunately, and even at the best of times we only see through a glass, darkly.

It is hard for that reason to call Christians to a universal standard of behavior. At this moment, however, we cannot afford to dilute the message of Jesus into meaningless ambiguity. There are certain acts that a follower of Jesus simply cannot accept. Here is one: A Christian cannot justify the torture of a human being.

The practice of torture by American soldiers is a hot topic at the Pentagon, in the Congress, and in the White House at the moment. The U.S. Senate already has passed 90-9 a bill that prohibits "cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment" of prisoners in U.S. custody. The lead advocate of the bill, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), was tortured by his captors during the Vietnam War. According to The New York Times, the Pentagon adopted a policy last Thursday to rein in interrogation techniques. The new policy uses much of the same language as the McCain amendment - drawn in large part from the Geneva Convention - to adopt standards for handling terror suspects.

Remarkably, the White House opposes the Pentagon initiative, and threatens to veto any legislation to which the McCain bill gets attached. Vice President Dick Cheney has urged Republican senators to allow CIA counterterrorism operations internationally to be exempt from the ban on mistreatment of prisoners, major newspapers reported.

On Nov. 3, Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff for then-Secretary of State Colin Powell, said during an interview on NPR's "Morning Edition" that memos from Cheney's office practically encouraged abuse of Iraqi prisoners. Though in "carefully couched terms" that would allow for deniability, the message from Cheney's office conveyed the sentiment that interrogations of Iraqi prisoners were not providing the needed intelligence. Wilkerson said soldiers in the field would have concluded that to garner better intelligence they could resort to interrogation techniques that "were not in accordance with the spirit of the Geneva Conventions and the law of war."

Republican senators are among the strongest voices in the growing chorus of criticism. Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) said, "I think the administration is making a terrible mistake in opposing John McCain's amendment on detainees and torture." And Sen. John Warner (R-Va.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and co-sponsor of McCain's measure, agreed: "I firmly believe that it's in the best interest of the Department of Defense, the men and women of the United States military that this manual be their guide."

When the existence of secret CIA detention centers became public this week, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) and Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) called for investigations - not about whether they violate laws governing human rights - but about how the information was leaked. But members of their own party are keeping the focus where it belongs. The Washington Post quoted Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) as saying, "Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. The real story is those jails."

Admittedly, Christians of good faith part paths when political conflict leads us to consider what constitutes a just and righteous war - or if any war can be just. Though we may not consent on the means, we do consent on the need to confront the spread of evil in the world. Yet we can all affirm scripture when it says, "Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.... Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:17, 21). When we confront evil with its own means, those means mark our own character.

In that regard, the practice of torture so fully embraces evil it dehumanizes both the torturer and its victim. No just cause can be won if it relies on torture to succeed. Democracy and freedom cannot result from a war fueled by torture, which is why so many Americans were shocked and angered by the disturbing incidents that took place at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

All the more so, Christians must oppose torture under any circumstances. Consider this: Who would Jesus torture? I cannot imagine Jesus finding a single "exemption" that would justify such an abuse of any individual made in God's image.

Though I bristle whenever I hear someone refer to the United States as a Christian nation - it is such a loaded phrase - many in the Muslim world see us as such. How tragic it would be for Muslims to identify the message and mission of Jesus with torture and terror. We must not allow that to happen.

Action Alert: "Do not repay evil for evil...." (1 Peter 3:9).

Despite strong bipartisan support in the Senate, Republican leaders in the House - including Speaker Hastert - are using a procedural loophole to block an up or down House vote on Sen. McCain's anti-torture measure.

+ Click here to ask Speaker Hastert and your representative to stand up against torture

Saturday, November 12, 2005


"Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try."~Homer

After a very stressful period, I have finally finished my comps, and I am now an official Ph.D. candidate! Orals did not go well at all, but I did pass.

Thanks to everyone who came to my post-comps party! I had 15 people in my house, so it was crowded but a lot of fun! Carl, Rob, Katie W, Anne, Todd, Eva, Ben, and Yi all made the trip down from Lansing, and Nicole, Wendy, Kurt, Amy, Terry, Katie L, and Aaron came from significantly closer locations. Rob even brought his dog Angel, and Isis was relatively calm, so that was great. Much gaming occured, and I actually won Ticket to Ride for the first time ever! So all in all it was a good day, which helped make up for yesterday's miserableness. Thanks guys! :-)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Funny things heard in ZOL 851

So the professor in my Quantitative Methods class says some really funny things sometimes, but nobody ever laughs besides me. Here is a sample:

"Pay particular attention to the importance of sex."
"It is a very loose spline." (Anyone ever play the Sims??? Anyone? Reticulating splines!)
"Those serious error messages are another hint that something is wrong."

Maybe I just have a weird sense of humor.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Some Like it Hot!

I just netflixed the 1959 movie "Some Like it Hot" starring Marylin Monroe, Jack Lemmon, and Tony Curtis. While watching it, I realized that I had been to the hotel featured in the movie. It is supposed to be in Florida, but the actual hotel is the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego. Jim brought Katie, Anne, Roz, and I there on Thanksgiving last year when we were visiting him. We knew they had filmed a movie there, but not which one, so it was a total surprsie to me when I saw it in the movie. (The picture on the left is from the hotel's webpage, I took the one below.)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

One hoop down, one to go

I am finished with my written comps! Woohoo! I sent the last one off last night at about 4 AM. Wow they were a pain in the butt and I am glad they are over. Now I just have to do my oral exam on Nov 11 (next Friday) and then if I pass I will be an official Ph.D. candidate.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Half way there!

I finished two of my four written comprehensive exams this weekend. I was supposed to have three done by now, but one of my profs failed to send me his question, despite repeated emails and a question "due date" of last Wednesday. So I had an unexpected day off today, and now it looks like comps might strech into Tuesday or even Wednesday. The silver lining is that it was nice to have a day off today where I could catch up on my TV and email and not spend hours sitting at the computer.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

New Isis pics

Since I don't have anything substantive to post, I thought I'd put up some new pictures of Isis. Enjoy!

Peek-a-boo Isis!

Isis likes my new chair, but I'm not sure why she is sticking her tongue out at me!!!

Isis does her part to keep our house free of bugs!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Umm Icecream!

So I took this test for what kind of ice cream are you (not what kind do you like) but I happened to get my favorite flavor of icecream! Weird eh??? Maybe my taste in ice cream is related somehow to my personality??? I'd be interested to know if anyone else had this happen.

You scored 59% SWEET, 59% CHUNKY, and 59% UNIQUE!
cherry sweet cream base with cherries and fudge chunks

Awesome...you are one of my personal favs: Cherry Garcia. You fall in
the middle on all measurements- sweet, wild, and unique, but not
overwhelmingly so on any of those. You make a good friend, able to
share your unique perspectives on things, and able to have fun without
winding up in jail or something. Good job.

Link: The Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavor Test

Katie W and her moose!

I found this pic while I was hunting around on my computer for something else and thought many of you would enjoy it. It is from the Minn. airport on our way home from Utah. Ask Katie if you want to see pictures of her with some real moose!

As much as I hate Comcast...

...their cable internet sure is sweet. That's right, I finally gave in and got cable internet at home. They have a 6 month introductory deal so we'll see if I think it's worth it. I have until April before the price doubles. I really hate Comcast's crappy customer service and monopoly overpricing on cable, but I recommend their internet service. It is super fast and I've never had any problems with it (knock on wood!). Hopefully with internet at home now I will be on IMs more and also blog more regularly.

Happy hockey news: Ozzie will be at the Van on Saturday! Woohoo go Ozzie! :-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Nothing new

After checking my email 3 times in 10 minutes I realized that there are more productive things I could be doing while still avoiding my comps readings.

It's been a while since I've posted on here, but nothing much has changed for me recently. I'm still working away on prepping for comps which begin in 9 days. At times I feel confident and ready, and then I get hit with flashes of panic and guilt that I could be doing more. Frequently I feel like I am not studying as much as other students did when they took comps. Maybe I'm overconfident, or maybe I just have a good background and am ready. I hope its the second one.

In hockey news, the Griffins are 3-1 and the Wings are 6-1. Woohoo! Chris Osgood, he of two Stanley Cups with the Wings, will be starting in goal for the Griffins on a rehab stint for two road games this week. I am pumped that Ozzie will be a Griffin (however briefly) but it would have been nice if he could have played a home game. He is one of my favorite goalies, and if he played at home he would be like 10 feet away from me for two periods. But alas, he will be back up in Detroit by the weekend. I'm bummed.

Friday, October 07, 2005


I just scheduled my comprehensive exams. My written exams will begin on October 28 (three weeks from today!) and my orals will be on November 11. So, for the next three weeks I will probably make myself relatively scarce as I try to get all my studying done. I wasn't anticipating doing comps quite this early, but scheduling 4 very busy committee members is a hard thing to do. (For instance, on Tues and Thurs, at any given time from 8-5 at least one of them is teaching.)

So, I would appreciate your prayers and encouragement as I try not to stress out too much. On November 12 I will need some friends to throw me a party or something. ;-)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My cat is a genius! Part 2

Isis is definitely a genius cat. Besides being able to fetch, her new trick is going for a walk. When we are playing with her string, if she catches it in her mouth she will let me lead her around the house with me carrying the string and her holding it in her mouth. I have seriously done several circuits around the house with her following right behind.

In other news: NHL HOCKEY STARTS TONIGHT! Woohoo!!! And Comcast is doing a free trial week of Center Ice, which lets you see any game you want. Chances of me getting any work done tonight: 0%. ;-) I also have two fantasy hockey teams all set to go and of course, the Griffins start this weekend. Life is good!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

My cat is a genius!

Isis learned how to play fetch this week! Her new favorite toy is a ring from around a milk carton top. She will bring it to me and then I throw it for her. She runs after it and plays with it for a little bit and then she brings it back to me to throw again. What a smart cat!

I also have to put in my little bit of gloating here: GO BLUE! I totally thought MSU was going to win today, so U of M's upset victory in OT came as a big surprise, but it sure made my day. Now if only the Lions could get a win or two...

In other sports news, hockey starts this week. WOOHOO!!!!! I can't wait to see how the Wings do in the "new" NHL. And of course I will be a regular at Griffins games. I'll try to organize a group trip to a game again, since we all had a such a fun time last winter.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fall: the best season of them all!!!

Fall is my favorite season. No contest. We can all agree that winter (at least in Michigan) bites the big one. Summer is way too hot and too full of field work. Spring is all rainy and muddy and dead for several months, and then we may have 2 nice weeks and then its summer. Fall, on the other hand, has deliciously beautiful weather. Cool but not too cold. Fall also has leaves changing color, apple cider, football, hockey, TV that is not reruns, pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving, and many other wonderful things. Yeah fall!!!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Fall TV

The new TV season is starting (FINALLY!) and I thought I would comment on the shows I’ll be watching this year. If anyone else is watching these shows, we can discuss. Also if there are any amazing shows that I am missing, please let me know. (Although I already watch too much TV I think. I try to cap it at 1 1/2 hours per day max, not including sports.)

Category 1: Shows that I will tape if I am going to miss them:
->West Wing: One of my all time fav shows, and it’s an election year this year! Who will be the next President: Jimmy Smits or Alan Alda? (My money’s on Smits.) Superb writing and cast.
->Grey’s Anatomy: A show about surgical interns that appeals especially to 20 somethings since the characters are our age and going through some of the same life issues. Good writing, interesting storylines (maybe a little racy for some), good acting.
->The Amazing Race: The best reality show on TV! (It has won several Emmys.) This season may not be as good as previous ones because they are doing a family edition with teams of 4 instead of 2. Depending on how it goes, this show may drop down a category.
->Lost: Best new show last year. (And winner of the Emmy for best drama.) Crazy plot twists and intelligent story telling.

Category 2: Shows that I will watch if I’m home:
->CSI: Katie L got me hooked this summer. Blame her. I just can’t get enough of that micropipetting!
->Desperate Housewives: A guilty pleasure. It is on right between two category 1 shows, so it will probably be watched every week as well.
->Simpsons: Classic, but not as great as it used to be.
->Arrested Development: Funniest show that no one is watching.
->Scrubs: Zany, off the wall humor that always makes me laugh.
->Red Wings Hockey: Not technically a show, but I’ll be watching anyway. GO WINGS!

Category 3: Shows that I may watch if they are on and I have nothing else to do:
->Simpsons reruns: Gotta love em!
->The Daily Show: Hilarious!
->Jeopardy: Hey I’m a nerd, what can I say.
->Survivor: Another guilty pleasure.
->Other NHL Hockey: I can’t get enough hockey!
->NFL Football: The Lions suck but I still like to watch football in general.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Master locksmith!

So today I was sitting around the Giltner office and Elena, one of the new KBS profs, had her computer accidentally locked in a filing cabinet. We tried for like an hour to get it out, and finally I went on the internet to see if there were any instructions about how to pick locks. Well, you would be amazed at the kind of detailed instructions you can find for that type of thing! After watching the little animation on one particular site, I went to the cabinet and promptly unlocked it on my first try using a screwdriver and a paperclip! So if you ever need a locked filing cabinet opened, you know who to call!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Surprise surprise!

You are a

Social Liberal
(65% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(25% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid

Monday, September 19, 2005

On a more serious note...

You don't realize how nice it is to be healthy until you experience two weeks with a constant headache. Good health is one of those things that everyone takes for granted until it is gone. It is humbling to realize how easy it is for our bodies to totally break down and for all of our plans and intentions to go to pot. Thankfully, I am finally back to normal. But being sick emphasized to me how fickle health can be and how my life is really in God's hands and not mine.

And on a completely different note... (I am not good at having a cute, unifying theme for all my posts like Katie does!)

I have lately realized that I don't get excited about things anymore. When I was a kid and some big event was coming up (holiday, big vacation, etc.) it became so important to me that the anticipation was excruciating. I was SO EXCITED for horse camp, for example, that it made me giddy just to think about it. I don't get that kind of excitement anymore, even about things that I know will be sweet (hockey season leaps to mind). I am looking forward to hockey season, but I am not passionately, joyfully ecstatic about it like I would have been 10 years ago. I wonder if this phenomenon is just a part of growing up, or if I have had some kind of fundamental attitude shift that has caused it. Sometimes I feel like I should get more excited about things, but then maybe I would just be setting myself up for disappointment if things don't turn out the way I had anticipated. Is this realism or pessimism?

Friday, September 16, 2005


I saw a commerical last night for the movie Zorro 2, which comes out in late October I believe. (It is the sequel to the Antonio Banderas/Catherine Zeta-Jones movie from a few years ago.) There is also a Pirates of the Carribean 2 in the works. My question is this: can these movies possibly be any good? I loved the oringinal film for both of those, but I know I'm just setting myself up for disappointment by looking forward to the sequels. Can anyone think of a movie sequel that was anywhere close to as good as the original (excluding sequels that were planned before the first movie came out like LOTR and Star Wars.)?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Out in the Boonies

Top 10 signs that you live out in the country:

10. There are more cows than people on your street.
9. None of the gas stations within a 10 minute drive have “Pay at the Pump”.
8. You see road kill on your street every day.
7. If you return to your home after dark, and you forgot to turn on your porch light before you left, you have no hope of getting in because it is too dark to find your keys or the lock.
6. If you don’t have a cat then you have mice in your house.
5. To you a traffic jam is a few cars lined up behind a tractor.
4. When the power goes out, you lose your water too.
3. Your town has no traffic lights, McDonalds, or bars.
2. You have seen someone hit a deer with their car more than once.
1. You have the word “Hick” in the name of your town.

Its funny because its true! ;-)

Monday, September 12, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yup, I am now 24. When did I get that old??? I'm like an adult or something. ;-)

Thanks everyone for your birthday calls and emails yesterday. It really meant a lot to me.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Health Update

I went to the health center on campus yesterday and the doctor there did not find anything seriously wrong with me. She thinks that I have a sinus infection, which would explain the intense headaches, dizziness, etc. Its possible the nausea was caused by the extremely strong headaches I had on the two days I was nauseous. It’s also possible that something like allergies is causing the headaches. I’m maybe 80% convinced that it is either a sinus infection or allergies, in which case there is not much I can do besides take a decongestant and hope it goes away.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Diagnose this disease!

Thursday: Severe headache (front of my head above my right eye), nausea, dizziness, fever
Friday: Slightly dizzy and out of sorts, otherwise okay
Saturday: fine
Sunday: fine
Monday: Severe headache (this time above my left eye), nausea, dizziness, fever
Tuesday: Dizziness, maybe fever?
Wednesday: Dizziness

Well I have no idea what is wrong with me but I've been sick (again? still?) since Monday. I am thinking about going to the doctor because with this relapse or whatever it is I have really been sick since last Thursday. Your guess is as good as mine as to what is actually wrong with me.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Top 10 signs you've been playing too much JT's Blocks

I made this list up at the end of the semester when I really was playing too much JT's Blocks. (All these things actually happened to me.) I've recently started up playing again so I thought I would post it. You probably won't get some of these if you've never experienced the wondefulness that is JT's Blocks. Try it at http://games.yahoo.com/games/login2?page=bl . (You may have to register first.) Be warned, its addictive!

Top 10 signs you have been playing too much JT's Blocks:
10. The battery in your cordless mouse goes dead
9. You have your all time high score memorized (56,335)
8. You have a big paper or project due soon
7. You have a favorite room that you always use (Baa Baa Block Sheep)
6. You have a second favorite room in case your favorite is full (Block Ness Monster)
5. You have yahoo games bookmarked
4. Your wrist and clicking finger hurt all day
3. You know that "spurious" always has the high score
2. You consider yourself a failure if you don't make it past 27,000 points.
1. While sitting on the toilet, you imagine how you would click on your bathroom floor tiles if they were actually JT's Blocks (Sadly this only worked at my EL apartment.)

Friday, September 02, 2005

Why Notre Dame is irrelevant

Some of my friends may disagree strongly with this article, but it goes a long way to summing up my feelings about why I hate Notre Dame.


Tossing my cookies...

Q: When is it a bad day to miss class?
A: When the prof uses an example in his lecture that he made up especially for you about your study organism.

Yeah I came down with the flu on Wed night and didn't go to class on Thursday because I was getting to know the inside of my new toilet, if you will. And of course that happened to be the day the above situation occurred. The prof in question is on my committee too. Oh well. I am feeling a little better today (at least I am keeping food down) but not 100% yet.

No big plans for the Labor Day weekend except that I will probably attend the traditional Van Kooten Labor Day pizza party at Fricano's in Holland on Monday. I guess I'll just work on sleeping and feeling better.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Utah pics

Jenn and I ride the ski lift up to where we would get on the zip line. (Katie took the picture from the chair behind us.) Katie and I raced on the zip line and I kicked her butt!!! (It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I weigh more than her!)

The view from our room. How many conferences do you go to where you wake up to this every morning??? Notice the little blue tram that we rode up to the top of the mountain, where we took this picture:

Katie, Lindsey, Jeanette and Jenn enjoying the view at 11,000 feet. Take that Michigan!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Intelligent Falling!!!


Just as ridiculous as teaching that other intelligent "theory" in the science classroom. ;-)

Saturday, August 27, 2005

I'm baaaack!!!

I'm back in the world of the internet again. The ABS Conference went very well and I thoroughly enjoyed my two weeks at the lake. It was also great to see some of you brave the cold temperatures and come out to do some water sports, even though I couldn't get Katie and Anne off the Seadoo! Look for pictures from Utah soon.

Isis was naughty while I was gone. While Katie L was taking care of her, Isis knocked my plant stand over, getting soil all over the carpet. She also ate some of the plant which caused her to puke all over the floor. Katie kindly cleaned it up, for which I am very grateful. I think Isis just missed me and was acting up to get attention. ;-)

I'll be trying to get back in touch with the world next week. Also, classes start so I'll hopefully see some of you "campus people" a little bit more. I'll be up on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As for the rest of the weekend, I'm just going to take it easy and get back into the swing of things in the real world. The only problem with vacations is that you have to come back from them eventually...

Friday, August 05, 2005


My blogging is going to be minimal for the rest of the month. I am off to the ABS conference in Utah tomorrow, and once I get back from that I will be spending two weeks at the lake. If you need to contact me, try my cell. Have a good August everyone!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Skydiving postphoned

Sadly, I did not get to go skydiving on Saturday. The place called Katie at like 7 AM and told her they were having "building problems" (whatever that means) and that they would have to reschedule us. Katie and I will be in Utah this weekend, so the earliest we can try again is in two weeks. We are majorly bummed out, but we are still determined in our quest to jump out of an airplane! (Although we prefer that it not be the one we are riding on to or from Utah!)

Friday, July 29, 2005

Harry Potter 6

Okay, I admit, I love Harry Potter. I mean, I'm not the crazy "dress up and stand in line at midnight and then read the book all night" type of fan. I'm more the "read each book soon after it comes out and discuss with friends" type. So, I have some issues I'd like to air about the recently released book 6.

WARNING: Do not keep reading this post if you haven't read book 6 yet. There will be spoilers.

Overall, I liked book 6. Much better than 5. 3 is still my favorite, but I'll have to read 6 again to decide exactly where it slots in compared to 1, 2, and 4.

My big issue though is with Snape killing Dumbledore. I mean, I figured Dumbledore was the one who was going to get offed in this book, because Harry needs to be all by himself without anyone to protect him in order to confront Voldemort in book 7. However, I was so upset that Snape ended up killing him, because I was sure Snape was on the good side. The thing I liked most about the character of Snape was that while he was not a nice guy at all and you really disliked him at times, he still was (supposedly) on the good team. Books like this can tend to be very black and white as far as who is good and who is bad, and it is nice to have a couple of "grey" characters. (Plus Snape is just a cool character all around. Probably my favorite after Sirius.) But now my whole idea of the Harry Potter world has been shattered! I couldn't believe Snape had actually done it, even when I read the words Avada Kedavra. I can't figure out how Dumbledore (and I) could be so wrong about Snape and part of me still thinks that in book 7 we will find out that all was not as it seemed in that last confrontation. I hope at least.

And finally, I think that R.A.B. is Sirius' brother. You heard it here first, don't try to take credit for my brilliant epiphany! We will see if I'm right whenever she gets around to publishing that last book. (I'm sure she'll take her sweet old time!) :-(

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Hmmm...I haven't posted since Sunday so I feel like I should post something. I guess there’s nothing too exciting going on in my life right now. I bought a new couch, does that count? It's being delivered tomorrow, and then I can enjoy my new cable in style. ;-)

I am happy to report that the deer flies are just about gone. However, I only have a week and a half of field work left for the summer, so I don't get to enjoy a deer fly-free field site for very long. I am having my field assistant start taking down boxes, so if all goes well I should have many fewer to take down myself this fall. (Although I will still probably need some help. Hint hint!)

I am presenting my first two years of research at a conference in Utah in early August, for which I am both excited and nervous. So I guess I should get started working on that presentation eh? Well I can probably procrastinate one more week at least... ;-)

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Best invention since the wheel?

AIR CONDITIONING! This weather has been brutal. I am so loving that I am able to keep my house cool using two window air conditioners. (Big props to Doug who gave me my second one since it wouldn't fit in his window!) Isis is also loving the cool house, and she has been a lot more active since we moved and got AC. Her current favorite toys are her scratching post and a paper bag.

In other news, the skydiving date has been set. Katie W and I will be jumping from 11,000 feet this Saturday afternoon. Woohoo! Anyone got a good phrase for me to say right before I jump to pump myself up? I guess I could just tell Katie that I'll see her on the ground or something, but I'm open to more original suggestions. Remember, you are all invited to come and watch if you want.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Hooray for internet!!!

Well the internet here at KBS has been down for two days. So now it is finally back up and there is much rejoicing. You don't realize how dependent you are on it until you lose it. At least I got a phonebook in the mail so I can look up addresses and stuff without having to come into the office. But I still use the internet for email, research stuff, maps, TV listings, etc. And speaking of TV, I am getting my cable hooked up tomorrow. Woohoo! Just in time for Iron Chef America on Sunday. If you are not watching it you should be! ;-)

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Best CDs of the year

So far, two CDs that I have heard this year have far outshined the rest:

1. Razorlight "Up all night" http://www.razorlightmusic.com/ (Actually released in 2004, but I didn't discover it until 2005, so I'm counting it!) I love every single song on this CD and it lived in my car pretty much the whole spring. They are a rather unknown band from England, but I can't get enough of them. Similiar sound to The Killers, Jet, etc. but more good songs on their CD than those two bands. I also saw Razorlight live, opening for Muse at MSU, and they are a phenomenal live band as well. I may have liked them better than Muse (although I'd have to think about that one for a while.)

2. Coldplay "x&y" http://www.coldplay.com/site.php
Just a great Coldplay CD. It rates right up there with "Parachutes". There are one or two songs that I don't like, but probably 10 that I do, and this CD is the one that has been living in my car most of the summer.

Monday, July 18, 2005


Well the big move is complete. If you need my new address, please ask. I plan on being here for several years so it should stay the same for a while now.

It took us about 5 hours to move everything, which is pretty decent since I have a lot of crap. The move was complicated, however, by the "Waterfowlers' Jamboree" which, unbeknownst to me, was taking place in the bird sanctuary that day. All the roads that lead from my house to the real road were packed with people and tents and stuff, so it took you a good ten minutes just to get from my house to the road, because you had to go the pace of walking people who of course didn't get out of the way even though they had a car inching along behind them. Then you had the people who ran after you banging on your hood yelling that you can't drive back there, until you told them that you live there and they finally left you alone. That excuse also worked for the people trying to charge us admission to get back in.

Luckily, the rain chased all the jamboreers away, although of course then we had rain to deal with instead of annoying people. But in the end everything got moved and I am now in my new house! :-) Isis is settling in well, and I am starting to get unpacked. I plan on buying a couch soon, so that will be exciting. :-)

Friday, July 15, 2005

Car, house, hockey

I drove up to EL last night to have my car serviced and the engine cleaned (since they messed up on my last oil change and the cap came off, spilling oil all over everything in the motor). I also got to spend a little time with my EL friends which was cool, since I miss all you guys!

My frustration for the day is with moving, which is supposed to happen tomorrow. I am moving from an apartment in the bird sanctuary to a house of my own (ironically the same one Natalie lived in when she was here.) The problem is, the previous tenant's lease at my new house expired in April, and she was given 60 days to find a new place and move out. So, she was supposed to be gone by June 30. Now, here it is July 15 and she still has stuff there and isn't finished cleaning. I was told I could move in on July 16, but she won't even be gone by then. She just asked if she could have the morning tomorrow to finish cleaning and have me move in the afternoon. The excuse given as to why it is taking her so long to move out is that she works full time and she has to do a lot of cleaning, work, etc. at her new place too. However, she has been there for 76 days since her lease expired!!! You would think in 76 days she could get all her stuff moved and clean the place. Its not like she only had a few days warning. And even though she works full time, I count 10 weekends during that span when she could have done the work. Heck, there have been two weekends for her to work on moving since the day she was SUPPOSED to be gone by. This has been a big frustrating issue this summer, and I will be very glad when I finally get moved and don'' have to deal with this anymore. I plan on being at my new house for the next several years, so it will be nice to be able to settle down in one place a little bit. This will be my 9th move in the past 2 1/4 years. Yuck I am sick of moving!

In hockey news, the Wings hired a new coach: Mike Babcock, who coached in Anaheim the past few years (you know the year they swept us in the first round of the playoffs!) and before that for Cincy in the AHL. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I guess I figured Lewis would be fired since he didn't win in the playoffs, but I don't have a whole lot of confidence in Babcock either. I mean, Anaheim didn't even make the playoffs in 2004. But I guess he is supposed to be good with developing younger guys, which he will have to do because we have to dump a lot of our veterans to fit under the new salary cap. Also, every team is going to have a chance in the draft lottery to draft first, so there is a chance that we might get to pick fairly high this year. Of course, we could still be near the bottom, but thats where we always are so its not like we are losing anything. The team whose ball gets picked first gets Sidney Crosby, rumored to be the next Wayne Gretsky, and we do have like a 2% chance of getting him. You never know... :-)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The NHL is back baby!

Finally! Right now it looks like the owners really won this fight, as the players ended up settling for a salary cap that is lower than the one the owners originally offered them last fall when this all SHOULD have been settled. The strike sucked, but I think the deal they reached will be good for the NHL. Plus the players make plenty of money anyway. They don't deserve football-like salaries when the NHL has like 1/10th the fans of the NFL.

The end of the NHL lockout does mean my favorite Griffins player will be playing for Detroit this year, but I'll just have to go to a couple of Wings games, thats all. ;-) GO WINGS!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Katie W and I decided today that we are going to to skydiving this summer. Yes, I know we are crazy but it sounds like so much fun. We were about ready to go this afternoon we got so excited talking about it, but alas we both had things scheduled for today. So if anyone is interested in joining us, let us know. Or you can just come along and watch from the safety of the ground. We hope to go sometime in the next 3 weeks.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Deer flies must die

I know my field assistants hear this every day, but I would just like to put it in writing for all to see: I HATE DEER FLIES. When you add 90 degree heat and severals hours wasted trying to trap two wrens that both got away to swarms of deer flies landing all over my face and hands and biting me, it does not make for a pleasant day in the field. I know I shouldn't complain because I really do like my research, and I promise not to do it again for a while, but today was just really frustrating and I need to let it out.

As I've told my field assistants, I would pay $1,000.00 each year if it would ensure that there were no deer flies at my field site. Brian said he would keep his money and the flies, Lydia wasn't sure but thought she would pay to get rid of them. I think that if they weren't poor undergrads they would both agree with me. ;-)

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Cute Isis picture

Here is a picture of my new cat Isis, in case any of you have yet to meet her. I got her from the Humane Society in May, and she is about one year old. She likes to chase balls and sleep in my bed.

All the cool kids are doing it...

So yeah I have a blog now. I guess that makes me trendy or something. What can I say, I enjoy reading Carl and Alan's so much that I wanted one of my own. Plus now I can ramble on about stuff and pretend someone cares. ;-) Also I'm hoping it will let my friends and family in the cities I have left behind (GR, EL) keep up with what's going on with me. So we'll try it and see how it goes.