Saturday, September 03, 2005

Top 10 signs you've been playing too much JT's Blocks

I made this list up at the end of the semester when I really was playing too much JT's Blocks. (All these things actually happened to me.) I've recently started up playing again so I thought I would post it. You probably won't get some of these if you've never experienced the wondefulness that is JT's Blocks. Try it at . (You may have to register first.) Be warned, its addictive!

Top 10 signs you have been playing too much JT's Blocks:
10. The battery in your cordless mouse goes dead
9. You have your all time high score memorized (56,335)
8. You have a big paper or project due soon
7. You have a favorite room that you always use (Baa Baa Block Sheep)
6. You have a second favorite room in case your favorite is full (Block Ness Monster)
5. You have yahoo games bookmarked
4. Your wrist and clicking finger hurt all day
3. You know that "spurious" always has the high score
2. You consider yourself a failure if you don't make it past 27,000 points.
1. While sitting on the toilet, you imagine how you would click on your bathroom floor tiles if they were actually JT's Blocks (Sadly this only worked at my EL apartment.)

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