Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It’s a bad sign when…

I have to preface this story by explaining that my landlord has been installing a new well at my house, which has been an extremely annoying process involving 3 weeks of having bulldozers and drilling trucks destroy my front yard, random men in my basement at all hours of the day, etc.

I finally get the word that everything is done, the health department approved the new well as safe to drink, and they have switched my house over to the new well. Excellent! I say to myself. I return home from a long day in the field, flush the toilet, wash my hands, and…the water stops running. Bad sign. No water all night.

So, I inform maintenance and they arrive the next morning. “Aha! I just forgot to turn the breaker back on!” On of them says. No problem. I hear water running again. Wonderful! “Uh oh” from the maintenance men. Bad sign. I hear low talking about the water being “full of crap.” Now my “wonderful” has turned sarcastic. “I need to go get another tool, I’ll be back in a few minutes,” maintenance man says. Everyone leaves. Bad sign.

So that’s where we are right now…two guys were back working on stuff, but they just went on break. I’ll let you know if I have any water tonight.


Al said...

Ug. You'll just have to make a visit to Lansing to see your friends.

Lindsey said...

UPDATE: I had water last night when I got home. I finally got to take a shower woohoo! :-)

Katie said...

Hi Linds! Hope you're doing well...you should update your blog. :)

Al said...

It's also a bad sign when it is summer and blog entries quit happening. :)

Yi said...

I, too, think you should update :) How is your research going?