Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wuv, twue wuv...

I realized tonight that I don’t believe in love. (I am referring specifically to the romantic movie type of love.) There is just nothing in my experience for me to be able to relate to anyone feeling in such a way as to do all the stupid things people do for love in romantic movies.

But even though I know those situations are exaggerated, I really have a hard time believing that there exists any kind of human relationship that goes beyond what I have with close friends and family. Yet all around me my friends are engaging (haha) in this strange behavior of coupling off which I just don’t understand. I have absolutely no way to relate to the motivation behind this behavior. I’m not talking about physical attraction, (which I have definitely felt!) but about the emotional/mental/physical/spiritual combination that I hear love defined as. I have never seen the potential for me to have that kind of relationship with another human. I’m not saying I’m not open to it or don’t want it necessarily, just that it…doesn’t happen. Nothing is there. Maybe this is how an atheist feels about Christianity?

Anyone who is (or has been) in love want to let me in on the secret????

Maybe I should turn Catholic and become a nun… ;-)

1 comment:

Al said...

I don't have much insight to offer, but you reminded me of this paraphrased quote...

Growing up, I heard the definition of love as "You know you're in love when you feel a feeling you've never felt before" Well, one day I stuck my hand in an outlet, and felt a feeling I've never felt before, but it certainly wasn't love.