I realize that I haven't blogged in a long time. So what's new with me lately?
I finally got some cardinals at my bird feeder! However, as you can tell from the photo above, my efforts to document this fact photographically have so far been fruitless.
My extensive, tremendous species list for this winter now sits at 4:
~Black capped chickadee (2)
~Tufted titmous (2)
~Nuthatch (1)
~Cardinal (3)
All 8 of these birds show up every day. They are going through my seed like crazy!
I have been teaching this semester, and so far it is going very well. I have really missed having this sense of meaning to my weeks. The downside of course is that I am really busy (hence the lack of blogging.)
I'm giving a talk about my research plans for the summer in 2 weeks, so I guess I better figure out what those plans are soon eh?
I'm also working on getting my photo-a-day photos online. Hopefully I will have them up soon.
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