Sunday, January 06, 2008

Picture-a-day 2007 comes to an end

Well I finished my picture-a-day project! I have a picture for every day of 2007. (I only had to cheat on a few days. For the small number of days I did miss, I posted a picture taken reasonably close to that day.) It is really fun to look back on the year in photos!

However, I have decided not to continue in 2008. In the end it got to be too hard/annoying trying to take a picture EVERY day. I may still continue to do favorite photos each month or something like that. Right now I'm just enjoying the liberating feeling of NOT having to make sure I have a picture each day.

If you would like the links to my 2007 pictures, let me know. I now have them divided up into 2 galleries, Jan-Jun and Jul-Aug at the same links as before.

1 comment:

Yi said...

I hear ya there, the same thing with me