Monday, February 25, 2008

The cat is gone!

For all of you who have been avoiding my blog because of the funny but increasingly annoying cat video that played every time you visited, I am happy to report that this post has knocked it off the front page of my blog. Please visit more often!

For those of you that stuck with it (including me) and even learned to love the sound of the cat video playing, thanks for being so dedicated! :)


Lisa said...

Did... did you make that post just to bump the cat video down?

Or you could tell people to start using RSS, which takes you directly to the post. I had to actually look the video up to know what you were even talking about.

Anonymous said...

Or else I just learned to scan quickly before the meowing started. :)


Lindsey said...

Hehe yes I did! As Mike told me, wasn't that very meta of me? :)

Anonymous said...

You know, I didn't even know the cat was coming from a video. I just knew that your blog would start meowing sometimes!