Saturday, February 17, 2007


I got home from the office this afternoon and thought...hmmm it feels cold in here, I think I should turn up the heat. I went to go check the thermostat. It was 58 degrees. (The thermostat was set at 68.) I called maintenance. The guy came and made loud noises in the basement. He went back out, got in his truck, and left. Bad sign. I bundled up. He returned later, made more noises, and finally I heard the heater starting! Good sign! The house got warm again.

I went to a hockey game. The Griffins won! I got home and thought...hmmm it feels cold in here. Bad sign. I went to go check the thermostat. It was 48 degrees. BAD SIGN. I called maintenance. He told me to try turning the switch on the furnace on and off. (Isn't that what you do to your computer when you don't know what is wrong with it and don't know what else to do?) I turned the switch on and off. The furnace started. Good sign? The house is finally almost warm. I just took my coat off two hours after getting home.

It is 7 degrees outside. If I don't ever post again it may be because the heater died again and I froze in my sleep. :(

Did I mention I'm hosting a party tomorrow night? I'm sure my guests won't mind if the house is 48 degrees...

1 comment:

Katie said... definitely want your party to be a WARM welcome for the people! :) Hope that you and Isis can enjoy a tropical climate again soon.