Saturday, November 12, 2005


"Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try."~Homer

After a very stressful period, I have finally finished my comps, and I am now an official Ph.D. candidate! Orals did not go well at all, but I did pass.

Thanks to everyone who came to my post-comps party! I had 15 people in my house, so it was crowded but a lot of fun! Carl, Rob, Katie W, Anne, Todd, Eva, Ben, and Yi all made the trip down from Lansing, and Nicole, Wendy, Kurt, Amy, Terry, Katie L, and Aaron came from significantly closer locations. Rob even brought his dog Angel, and Isis was relatively calm, so that was great. Much gaming occured, and I actually won Ticket to Ride for the first time ever! So all in all it was a good day, which helped make up for yesterday's miserableness. Thanks guys! :-)

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