Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Honk for the Christian Left

I just came across this site that sells "religous left merchandise" which turns out to be some really clever/cool bumper stickers, T-shirts, etc.

I'm not necessarily lobbying you to buy any of these things, but if you feel like procrastinating or something, surf around on the site for some interesting/funny/thought provoking ideas. Some of my favorites:

"GOD is not spelled GOP"
"Stewart Colbert 2008"
"Pro-life does not end at birth"
"Poverty is the worst form of violence"
"Who would Jesus torture?"
"The Christian Right is often neither"
"Why care about the poor when you can be a single issue voter?"
"You cannot be pro-life and pro-death penalty"
"War is a defeat for humanity -Pope John Paul II"

Now I just need to find an "Obama 08" sticker...I actually saw one on a car the other day!

1 comment:

Al said...

But it's so much easier to procrastinate by leaving right wing comments on random blogs...not to mention it irritates many more people. :P