Monday, November 13, 2006

This and that

A cool Stewart/Colbert interview coming out in Rolling Stone...

Also, Todd and I played in a doppelkopf tournament this weekend and got our asses handed to us (me=11th out of 11, Todd=something like 9th or 10th), so we need some practice! If anyone at KBS wants to learn an awesome card game, let me or Todd know. And if anyone in Lansing in doing a doko night, with a little advanced warning I can be there!

Finally, my car hit 50,000 miles on the way home from Lansing. I bought it new when I graduated from college. I am old. Have I really experienced 50,000 miles worth of life since college???

1 comment:

T said...

He was ninth ... because I was 10th. Yay doko tournament.