Monday, September 19, 2005

On a more serious note...

You don't realize how nice it is to be healthy until you experience two weeks with a constant headache. Good health is one of those things that everyone takes for granted until it is gone. It is humbling to realize how easy it is for our bodies to totally break down and for all of our plans and intentions to go to pot. Thankfully, I am finally back to normal. But being sick emphasized to me how fickle health can be and how my life is really in God's hands and not mine.

And on a completely different note... (I am not good at having a cute, unifying theme for all my posts like Katie does!)

I have lately realized that I don't get excited about things anymore. When I was a kid and some big event was coming up (holiday, big vacation, etc.) it became so important to me that the anticipation was excruciating. I was SO EXCITED for horse camp, for example, that it made me giddy just to think about it. I don't get that kind of excitement anymore, even about things that I know will be sweet (hockey season leaps to mind). I am looking forward to hockey season, but I am not passionately, joyfully ecstatic about it like I would have been 10 years ago. I wonder if this phenomenon is just a part of growing up, or if I have had some kind of fundamental attitude shift that has caused it. Sometimes I feel like I should get more excited about things, but then maybe I would just be setting myself up for disappointment if things don't turn out the way I had anticipated. Is this realism or pessimism?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww. Maybe part of not feeling excitement is just part of growing up. I don't know...but it's frustrating to me at least. I go in and out of feeling excited for things (and I love it when I actually do feel excited)...but I fundamentally feel like I looked forward to things more in high school than I do now. There were just certain calendar days that I looked forward to with glee. Now, occasionally I even get really upset about not feeling excited about something. That's pretty annoying.

Hehe...and like you said, it's annoying when I do get really excited for something and it doesn't end up working out. *cough* skydiving! *cough* Sigh. :)