Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Out in the Boonies

Top 10 signs that you live out in the country:

10. There are more cows than people on your street.
9. None of the gas stations within a 10 minute drive have “Pay at the Pump”.
8. You see road kill on your street every day.
7. If you return to your home after dark, and you forgot to turn on your porch light before you left, you have no hope of getting in because it is too dark to find your keys or the lock.
6. If you don’t have a cat then you have mice in your house.
5. To you a traffic jam is a few cars lined up behind a tractor.
4. When the power goes out, you lose your water too.
3. Your town has no traffic lights, McDonalds, or bars.
2. You have seen someone hit a deer with their car more than once.
1. You have the word “Hick” in the name of your town.

Its funny because its true! ;-)

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